While cleaning scissors with water can cause rust, using vinegar both prevents rust and cleans the sticky messes that water often can’t tackle alone.
Perfectly Hard-Boiled Eggs
It’s not uncommon for eggs to crack when they’re put into a pot of boiling water but you can easily prevent this by adding 2 tablespoons of vinegar per quart of water before it boils. Additionally, the vinegar will help make it easier to peel the eggs later. However, some have suggested that doing so may alter the flavor so be sure not to use too much vinegar.
Improve Hair Health
Once a week you can apply a mixture of vinegar (it’s been suggested that you use apple cider or white but you can use any vinegar that you prefer) and water to shampooed hair to help prevent buildup in the scalp.
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Make and Use the Mixture
To make the mixture you’ll need 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar and 1 cup of water. Pour the mixture over wet, shampooed hair and massage into your roots. Rinse thoroughly and apply conditioner as normal. Not only does this strange but age-old hack remove buildup but it also helps improve shine and hair health.
Lastly, treating bug bites
Purportedly, vinegar works well to minimize itching and irritation from a bug bite. Just dab the bite. However, you shouldn’t do so if there’s an open wound as that can cause burning and further irritation. Meanwhile, you can cover yourself in apple cider vinegar, or keep some nearby, while hiking, camping, or partaking in any other outdoor activities. This helps repel bugs and insects.
Salt and vinegar are a popular flavor combination for snacks like chips and pistachios. However, the combination is surprisingly versatile and there are far more uses for the dynamic duo.