8. Heat an empty pot or pan
Never heat an empty pot or pan on a glass stove. This could cause the pot or pan to overheat and damage the cooker. Always make sure there is food or liquid in your cookware before placing it on the stove.
9. Not following the manufacturer’s instructions
Each glass cooktop may have different care and cleaning instructions, so it is essential to read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. Failure to follow these instructions may result in damage or even safety hazards.
Burger foil packs AKA Hobo Dinner
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Is T0ast Satir3
Heartbreak for Simone Biles on the final day of the Olympics. She didn’t expect this.
9 Ways To Keep Ants, Fleas, And Other Pests
Possibly the best version of this meal I’ve ever created, it’s scrumptious
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Dessert in 10 minutes, a real lightning recipe