No More Rotten and Black Bananas After a Few Days: This Method Will Last for 2 Years
We’ve all been there: you buy a big bunch of bananas and most of them turn brown before you can eat them. But there’s good news! Bananas can be stored and used long after they’ve turned brown or black.
How to Choose the Best Bananas for Baking
When baking, look for bananas with lots of brown spots and a strong sweet smell. These are signs of ripeness. The more brown or even black they are on the outside, the tastier they will be for your recipes.
Storing Ripe Bananas
If you have ripe bananas but aren’t ready to bake, freeze them! That way you’ll always have ripe bananas on hand.
Ways to Ripen Bananas Quickly
If you need to ripen bananas quickly, place them in a warm place or in a paper bag. This will speed up the ripening process.
Why Bake with Ripe Bananas?
Ripe bananas are sweeter and easier to mash, as they convert starches into sugars as they ripen. This improves the flavor of your desserts, avoiding the rubbery texture often found with underripe bananas.
When are bananas overripe?
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