Secure the petals together with zip ties. Make sure the ribbed side of the zip ties is facing up, and tuck any excess ends between the noodles to avoid scratches.
Step 4: Creating the Flower Center
Take the left end of the cord from one noodle and tie it to the right end of the cord from the adjacent noodle.
Continue this knotting technique all the way around the circle, connecting the left and right ends of the cord on each noodle.
Repeat the process for a second row of knots, and then for a third and fourth row. As you continue, the circle will gradually get smaller and resemble the center of a flower.
Step 5: The Finishing Touches
If you have any strands of cord sticking out of the top of the pool float, thread them through the center hole and secure them in place with a zip tie.
Your pool noodle flower float is now complete! Just throw it in the pool and enjoy a relaxing and whimsical ride.
continued on next page
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