Dishwasher safe, microwave safe and more—here’s everything you need to know about the Tupperware symbols.
When was the last time you really took a look at your Tupperware products? Most of us don’t think twice about the various plastic containers we use to store leftovers or office lunches. Though fitting lids to containers is challenging enough, there’s more to your stash of Tupperware than you think.
Conveniently, Tupperware includes symbols on its products that tell you everything you need to know. From recycling information to safe-use instructions, here’s how to understand the symbols.
What Do Tupperware Symbols Mean?
Food Safe
Though Tupperware is often considered to be food safe, you shouldn’t automatically assume so. Your storage containers will have the symbol of a fork and wine glass engraved into the plastic if it actually is safe to store your meals in. Don’t worry—most of your Tupperware should be completely usable with food, but it’s always a good idea to check.
Dishwasher Safe
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