Have you ever returned from a vacation to find your digital clock blinking the wrong time? This often means there was a power outage while you were away. These outages can sometimes lead to serious issues, especially with your freezer. If you don’t have a digital clock, it can be challenging to know if there was a power cut at all.
A power outage isn’t a catastrophe, but it can cause problems, particularly with your freezer.
Preparing for Vacation
When you’re preparing for a holiday, there’s a lot to keep track of. Arrangements for pet care, securing valuables, and locking your home are all essential. Did you remember to turn off the stove? Is the thermostat set low? With so many details to manage before leaving home for an extended period, here’s a simple trick involving a coin in your freezer that can help you when you return.
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Wow I had no idea you could do this with just 3 ingredients!