
  • 1 American glass
  • 8 heaped tablespoons of ground coffee
  • 1 standard size candle

Cloves (as per your preference)


Preparation Method:

  • Fill the glass with ground coffee, pressing it down to create a flat, even surface.
  • Make a central hole in the coffee using a knife.
  • Cut the candle at intervals, ensuring the wick remains intact.
  • Remove the wick, trim it to the height of the glass, and place it in the hole in the coffee.
  • If the wick is too long, trim it so about 2 cm is exposed.
  • Arrange cloves around the wick to your liking.
  • Light the wick and wait for the coffee to start burning.

The combination of burning coffee and the scent of cloves creates a powerful repellent effect against insects. Congratulations, you’ve just made the most effective homemade repellent imaginable!