The little house on wheels’ living area is furnished with original paintings and pictures.
Jessie added aesthetic appeal to the eco-home on wheels by installing magnificent parquet floors and painting the walls white to make the room brighter and more visually attractive. She also decided not to change the original bus windows, instead leaving them as is to enable natural light to flood the entire house. Professionals built an LED system for evening lighting, which provides a mellow light and creates a quiet and warm ambiance. Paintings adorn the freestanding walls, adding a vivid emphasis to the overall architecture of the property.

The little mobile home’s kitchen is fully equipped.
The layout of the functional areas was given great consideration by the designers. A natural wood countertop, an oven and stove, an energy-efficient washing machine, a refrigerator with a freezer, a water heater, and a gas tank are just a few of the features in the kitchen. Of course, several cabinets and shelves for keeping food and cooking tools were smartly and sensibly designed to allow for unfettered movement in this area.

The bedroom in the “eco-house on wheels” in the bus’s back. The bedroom situated in the back of the bus, has a streamlined design, and is quite light due to the bus windows being only covered with thick velvet curtains. The motor home’s little library is located in the bedroom area.