If the bed linen is not cotton, but synthetic, it can be washed at 40 °C.
To make it soft and fragrant, use fabric softener and, for example, a natural essential oil with the desired scent.
Be careful, though, as harsh chemicals can cause allergies on contact with the skin and can also cause the color of the sheets to fade.
A guaranteed way to perfectly wash your bed linen and preserve the colors.
Whites literally shine, colors are more intense and no trace of stains!
That’s exactly what you’ll achieve with this method of washing bed linen.
For 1 wash you’ll need 100 g of this mixture: 70 g of grated soap
2 tablespoons of baking soda
50 ml of hydrogen peroxide (3%)
Procedure: Place the bed linen in the drum of the washing machine.
Sprinkle it with the grated soap.
In the detergent compartment, place 2 tablespoons of baking soda and 50 ml of peroxide.
Start the standard wash cycle.
Active foam will form in the drum.
This foam will perfectly clean the bed linen.
Don’t worry about the clothes smelling of peroxide.
You will surely notice how beautiful the bed linen looks after washing.
The white parts shine with cleanliness.
And there is no trace of stains or yellowed areas, the colors are more intense.
Thanks for your SHARES!
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