Unlocking the Secrets of Banana Strings: Nutrition and Health Benefits | March 25, 2024

Unveiling the Secret of Banana Strings: Why You Shouldn’t Discard Them


Bananas, often cherished as a convenient and tasty snack, hold a lesser-known treasure within their peel – the phloem bundles, commonly known as ‘banana strings.’ These strings, typically discarded, are not only edible but also brimming with essential nutrients.

Understanding Phloem Bundles:

Phloem bundles are the stringy parts attached to the inner side of a banana peel. They traverse the length of the fruit, serving as conduits for nutrient transport during its growth. In botanical terms, these are referred to as “phloem packets.”


The Nutritional Bounty of Banana Strings:

Despite their often overlooked status, banana strings are a nutritional powerhouse. They boast significant levels of:

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