Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda:
- Mix half-cup peroxide with three tablespoons baking soda.
- Apply to stains, wait 15-30 minutes, rinse, and machine wash.
- Lemon Juice and Sunlight:
- Mix equal parts lemon juice and water, spray on stains.
- Leave pillows in direct sunlight for hours, then wash.
OxiClean Solution:
- Soak pillows in warm water mixed with OxiClean.
- Rinse and wash afterward.
- Caution with Bleach:
- Bleach can be effective, but:
- Always check pillow labels.
- Dilute bleach (1/4 cup bleach to 1 gallon cold water).
Do a spot test:
- Apply diluted mixture, rinse thoroughly, then wash and dry.
- Allow pillows to air out post-wash.
- Pro Tip: Use pillow protectors to guard against yellowing agents like sweat. They’re washable, prolonging pillow freshness.
No one likes yellowed pillows. Thankfully, by following these techniques and guidelines, you can enjoy clean, white pillows for better sleep and improved well-being. Ensure you heed your pillow’s care instructions for lasting comfort.
Thanks for your SHARES!
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