On Thursday, Behar humorously revisited the live TV moment when her attempt to land on a “dangerous” swivel chair went astray. Reflecting on the incident, she quipped, “Remember when I fell on stage here? My tush missed the seat.”
Whoopi Goldberg shared her perspective on the mishap, emphasizing the audience’s limited view compared to the hosts witnessing Behar’s struggle to avoid the floor. Describing the ordeal, Goldberg remarked, “We saw you trying to figure out how not to fall onto the floor, and that was scary because you don’t know whether to catch you and potentially bother you by touching you.”
In Behar’s typical comedic fashion, she likened her workplace to an amusement park, humorously comparing the moving chairs to a swirling ride at Coney Island. The silver lining of her impromptu rollercoaster act was the introduction of new safety features – stationary chairs with four tall legs, a square seat, and an adjoining back.
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