ABC’s decision to bring Candace Owens and Tucker Carlson together for a late-night show has sent ripples through the entertainment industry. The show, tentatively titled “The New Late Night,” promises to be a departure from the comedic and often politically liberal content that characterized Jimmy Kimmel’s tenure. Instead, it aims to offer a blend of political commentary, interviews, and cultural discussions from a conservative perspective.
Emily Watts, ABC’s head of programming, expressed her excitement about the new show. She stated, “We are thrilled to welcome Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens to our late-night lineup. Both bring unique voices and perspectives that we believe will resonate with a significant portion of our audience. This show is about expanding the conversation and offering viewers a fresh and dynamic alternative.”
Candace Owens, known for her outspoken conservative views and dynamic presence, is enthusiastic about joining the new late-night venture. In a statement, Owens said, “I am incredibly excited to join Tucker on this new show. Late-night television has been dominated by one perspective for too long. We are here to change that and bring a new energy to the format. It’s time for a real conversation about the issues that matter most to Americans.”
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