Maytrix had net assets of £170,333 at the end of August 2022, the latest figures available – down from nearly £196,000 a year earlier.
The company received over £24,000 from the Captain Tom Foundation from June 2021-November 2022, the charity’s most recent available accounts, for office rental and phone payments.
Last year it emerged that Maytrix claimed up to £100,000 in furlough money from December 2020-September 2021, and received nearly £48,000 in Covid loans from the government.
The strike off warning comes as the latest blow in a series of problems to hit beleaguered Ms Ingram-Moore, in a dramatic fall from grace in the three years since the death of her father, the lockdown hero Captain Tom.
Earlier in July, she and her husband Colin were disqualified from being charity trustees by the Charity Commission, for a period of ten and eight years respectively.
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