Among the dead are Khyzier and Khazmir Williams, twin boys, who are believed to be the youngest Hurricane Helene victims. The five-week-old twins died alongside their mother, Kobe Williams, when a tree crashed through their mobile home in Thomson, Georgia.
“Nobody was taking the storm seriously,” Mary Jones, Williams’ mother and the boys’ grandmother, told “Then it started, and the wind was so loud. When the lights went off, Kobe got really scared. She was worried about the babies.”
Jones and her daughter stayed up through the night listening to the hurricane wreak havoc outside their home. Around 5:15 a.m. Jones fed Khyzier so Williams could get some rest, but she couldn’t sleep because she was scared.
Jones eventually fell asleep while Williams remained awake. Less than an hour after Jones drifted off to sleep she awoke to a “strange shushing” sound followed by an eerie silence.
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