A Natural Solution for Ear Pain: The Magic of Garlic (Page 2 ) | March 26, 2024

Methods for Relieving Ear Pain with Garlic:

  1. Pick Your Garlic With Care: Choose a clean, fresh clove of garlic free from imperfections.
  2. Getting Ready for Maximum Comfort: Peel the garlic clove and gently smash it to release the allicin. Optionally, wrap the clove with a small layer of gauze for additional comfort.
  3. Carefully Set It Down: Insert the garlic clove (or cloves) into the external auditory canal with caution, ensuring not to push it in too far. The garlic should be positioned just at the entrance of the ear canal for its healing properties to take effect.
  4. Time is of the Essence: Leave the garlic in the ear for approximately 20 to 30 minutes or until it feels soft. Then, carefully remove the garlic and allow nature’s remedy to take effect.

How Is It Effective?

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