Believe it or not, the more time it spends in a room, the more powerful it becomes in terms of removing air pollutants and toxins. It thrives in low-light setting and releases berries and flowers.
Aloe Vera:
It’s another low maintenance plant. Aloe Vera is often used as a medicinal plant because of its incredible healing power. The plant is rich in vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, and B12. You can use the gel to treat cuts and burns. Aloe Vera also cleanses the body and creates an alkaline environment. It enhances digestion, boosts immunity, and improves skin health. Grow it in pots on your window sills.
It cleans air, removes odors, destroys dangerous bacteria and keeps moths away. Pelargonium essential oil helps you sleep well and soothes your nervous system.
Spider plant (Chlorophytum Comosum):
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