Orchid, only with this trick gardeners manage to make it live for many years (Page 3 ) | March 7, 2024
Orchid Tips:
- Transparent Pots: Plant orchids in transparent pots to facilitate root development, ensuring maximum light exposure.
- Watering Technique: Submerge the orchid’s pot in water for watering, avoiding chlorine exposure. Opt for rainwater or distilled water for watering and spraying.
- Ideal Environment: Place orchids in damp areas like bathrooms, kitchens, or greenhouses. Avoid direct sunlight, overwatering, and carefully prune roots to maintain plant health.
- Blooming Advice: Apply fertilizer, water appropriately, and monitor leaf health for optimal blooming. Keep orchids in well-ventilated spaces at temperatures not exceeding 20°C.
With this method and care tips, your orchids will flourish, gracing your home with their elegance and beauty for years to come.
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