1. Dear Old George’s Annual Check-Up
Without fail, George went for his annual check-up every year. He prided himself on staying fit and healthy by going on walks in the neighborhood, though age had taken its toll on his eyesight.
After his check-up, George sat and chatted with his doctor, proudly telling Dr. Stephens about his latest discovery.
“Doc, I’m blessed,” he said. “God knows my eyesight is going, so he puts on the light when I pee and turns it off when I’m done!”
The doctor chuckled, but a nagging curiosity led him to call George’s wife later that day.
“Maria,” he said. “Your husband’s test results are just fine. But he said something strange! He claims that God turns the lights on and off for him when he uses the bathroom at night.”
George’s wife laughed out loud.
“That old fool! He’s been peeing in the refrigerator again! I thought it was the dog!”
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