The first step to be respected is to place the basil in a bright spot in the house, since it needs a lot of light.
Furthermore, the temperature must be warm, while the soil must be permanently moist.
To achieve this it is therefore essential to water the aromatic plant every day , especially in those hotter months such as the summer period.
However, when the climate is harsher, the best advice to follow is to keep basil inside your home .
Possibly next to a window sill.
Another step that is suggested not to be done is not to remove the leaves individually .
In fact it is preferable to detach an entire sprig, to make the plant even stronger.
Consider that the smell of basil is also very useful for keeping annoying mosquitoes away during the summer, as well as other types of insects that do not tolerate the aroma of basil.
How to make the basil plant grow luxuriantly:
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