Yellow stains on a mattress can be unsightly and unpleasant. While pee is a common culprit, sweat and body oils can also lead to these stains. Removing mattress stains without harsh chemicals is possible.
Here’s a natural method using baking soda and other household items:
16 oz spray bottle
Liquid dish soap
Baking soda
3% hydrogen peroxide
1. Prepare the Soapy Solution: Fill the 16 oz spray bottle with water and add about 1 teaspoon of liquid dish soap. Mix well to create a soapy solution. Spray the mattress surface thoroughly, ensuring even coverage. It might take two 16 oz bottles to cover the entire surface. Test a small area with your hand.
2. Apply Hydrogen Peroxide Solution: In the same 16 oz bottle, mix equal parts of 3% hydrogen peroxide and water. Shake well and spray the entire mattress surface, concentrating extra spray on the stained areas.
3. Dust with Baking Soda: While the mattress is still damp from the hydrogen peroxide solution, dust the entire surface with baking soda. You’ll need approximately 2-3 cups of baking soda to cover the entire mattress. Apply a thin layer of baking soda using a clean rag to create a paste.
4. Allow the Reaction to Occur: You’ll notice the mattress stains becoming lighter as you spread the baking soda paste. This is a sign that a reaction is taking place. Open windows for ventilation and leave the baking soda to dry overnight.
5. Vacuum or Sweep: The next day, use a vacuum cleaner or a brush to sweep off the dried baking soda from the mattress surface. You’ll be left with a stain-free and refreshed mattress.
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