Burnt oven tray: here is the remedy that allows you to remove stains permanently. You won’t believe your eyes.
A slight distraction is enough to end up with a burnt baking tray and encrustations that represent a real challenge. What better solution and remedy to combat the very stubborn burns and encrustations that form on the edges of the pan? Here’s how to remove persistent stains.
A distraction, too high an oven temperature and too many extra minutes of cooking can be the main causes of burns on the tray. Even the same material of the tray has a different impact on the cooking of the food and, consequently, on the possible formation of encrustations on it. The most common are aluminum trays, which are the cheapest of all and allow heat to be conducted evenly over the entire surface. They are easy to clean, they are non-stick and you just need to add a drizzle of oil to the bottom to avoid the worst. The baking trays that are subject to a greater risk of burns are those made of stainless steel, which require more care and time to clean.
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