Howard University Professors Claim: ā€˜Kamala Was the Worst Student We Ever Hadā€™ (Page 2 ) | September 13, 2024

ā€œIt was like teaching a cat to play chess,ā€ said Professor Emeritus Gerald Barnes, who still shakes his head whenever he recalls Harrisā€™s time in his Introduction to Political Science class. ā€œKamala had this strange way of answering questions. If I asked her what the Constitution was, sheā€™d smile that famous smile of hers and say, ā€˜The Constitution is a living documentā€¦ full of potential, just like all of us.ā€™ I mean, what does that even mean?ā€


According to Barnes, Harris was notorious for her ability to speak at length without actually saying anything. ā€œIā€™d ask her a simple question about the three branches of government, and by the end of her answer, weā€™d somehow be talking about jazz music and the importance of self-expression. I still donā€™t know how she did it.ā€

Professor Meredith Johnston, who taught Harris in her Constitutional Law class, agreed. ā€œKamala was the queen of answering a question with a question. Iā€™d ask her to define judicial review, and sheā€™d reply, ā€˜But professor, shouldnā€™t we first ask ourselves, what is justice?ā€™ It was maddening. And when Iā€™d press her for a straight answer, sheā€™d just laugh that signature laugh and say, ā€˜Come on, professor, donā€™t be so serious!ā€™ā€

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