LBC callers react as new footage from Manchester Airport head-kicking emerges
When asked whether the build-up to the event justified the use of force, Mr Burnham said: “Even though the context I had seen it still was right that the IOPC were involved, so that’s where we are.
“There is a GMP witness appeal that’s gone out now because there were three events; there was a an issue that began on a plane, that led to something in the arrivals hall, then an assault in the arrivals area. So there are three stages to this.
“It’s why I keep saying no one is in possession of all of the facts you talk about people on both sides. Well, I just don’t think people can, at this point come emphatically down and argue for one side against another.
“Life’s more complicated than that.”The truth always lies a bit more in between and that’s the same with this as it is with everything in life.”
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