Henry’s daughter, Sophie, met Sandra, who looked exactly like her, at school and spent time with her. They were convinced they were twin sisters. Henry was shocked when he met Sandra and her mother and decided to find out what had happened.Henry moved from Texas to Los Angeles when his daughter, Sophie, turned seven years old, and she was about to start second grade. “Ok, here we are. Your new school, Sophie.
Are you excited?” he asked his daughter at the drop-off. “I think so…,” Sophie responded, twirling her fingers around her skirt in nervousness. “What if no one likes me?”“They will. You just have to be nice to everyone, and if someone is mean to you, you go the other way. No starting fights, ok?” Henry added and kissed her forehead. Sophie waved goodbye and entered school. She located her classroom immediately, and everyone else was already inside. But all the kids’ eyes widened, and a few even gasped when they saw her. She stopped right at the door and looked around in confusion.Her new classmates started turning their heads back and forth between her and another girl sitting at the back. She tried to get a peak and spotted a blonde head.
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“We shoυld dedicate aп ENTIRE MONTH to VETERANS before we eveп thiпk aboυt haviпg a PRIDE MONTH.”