Natural remedies for treating age spots, moles, skin tags, warts, and blackheads (Page 2 ) | August 27, 2024
Dark patches and uneven skin tone
There are a lot of ways in which skin changes as we get older. The majority of individuals who get age spots are over the age of 50, however they may appear earlier in certain people. This condition can be inherited or caused by an overproduction of melanin from years of sun exposure. Sun exposure, hormone shifts, and inflammation may all lead to hyperpigmentation, a disorder characterized by the darkening of the skin in certain regions.
It is critical to address both of these disorders promptly upon detection. Actually, we may take measures to avoid their emergence altogether by protecting ourselves from the sun every day, regardless of the weather, using sunscreen, sunglasses, hats, and other sun protective gear with a minimum sun protection factor (SPF) of 30.
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