Their daughter, Esra Haynes, tragically lost her life after falling victim to a dangerous viral trend known as chroming. Langdon, also a mother, struggled to contain her tears during the interview.
Appearing on A Current Affair with host Ally Langdon, Andrea and Paul Haynes shared the devastating story of how their daughter Esra died after participating in chroming—a social media trend where people inhale toxic chemicals through the mouth or nose to get high. Esra was described as “determined, fun, cheeky, and talented” by her local Montrose Football Netball Club, where she co-captained. She was also an athlete who raced BMX bikes with her brothers and led her team to a national aerobics championship in Queensland.
On March 31, Esra went to a friend’s house for a sleepover, where she inhaled aerosol deodorant—a decision that led to cardiac arrest and irreversible brain damage.
“It was just the regular routine of going to hang out with her mates,” her mother, Andrea, shared during the interview. Her father, Paul, added, “We always knew where she was, and we knew who she was with. It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary… To get that phone call at that time of night was one no parent ever wants to receive, but unfortunately, we got that call: ‘Come and get your daughter.’”
They are already 13 years old. How fate unfolded and what the world’s first octagonals and their mother look like today
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