Answer: Netizens quickly recognized the item as a salt and pepper dip pot. The original poster said they had assumed it was for salt and pepper but thought it might have been too shallow for that.
Grocery Shop Gift
A shopper was unpacking the groceries they had bought from a local supermarket and had unpacked a strange item as a free gift. They wanted to know what the use of the item they received was.
Answer: The strange green item had a handle and a small but sharp hook. Netizens told the person who had received it in their grocery bags that it was used to peel oranges.
Tin Tube
A Reddit user shared an item she had found in an older woman’s jewelry box, which was hollow on the inside and open on each end. It appeared to be a small tube with an adornment on the front.
Burger foil packs AKA Hobo Dinner
Traditional Irish Colcannon
Timeless Elegance: Old-Fashioned Sour Cream Pound Cake
A Spring in Her Step: How Dandelion Leaves Transformed My Grandmother’s Joints
Rejects $2 Billi0n Disney Deal: “I D0n’t Need That W0ke … “
The Best Down Home Chitterlings Recipe
The whole internet collaborated and couldn’t find what this is. I’m not sure what this is, 50% of people don’t know too…
Discover the Magic of Chia Seeds for a Healthier You!
How To Make Healthy Turkey Loaf