For preparing good baked goods, for dyeing or straightening hair, for preserving food or wrapping leftovers… Aluminium foil is an indispensable tool at home and its uses are manifold. Including an unknown but very judicious use that you probably didn’t know about: it protects your clothes with every wash and prevents them from becoming electrified. Quickly discover this brilliant trick!
In fact, when you wash your clothes in the washing machine, a certain amount of electrical charge is immediately released. This can significantly damage clothes by wearing down textiles or even tearing fragile fabrics. This static electricity can come from the washing machine itself or from the rubbing of the laundry during washing. Hence the phenomenon of electrification of fabrics, which is often annoying and unsightly. So why would it be useful to embed 3 balls of aluminium foil in the drum? We explain it all.
Why do you need to embed aluminium foil balls in the washing machine?
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