At this time, Howard had the full backing of his parents, who were also employed in the entertainment business, as he portrayed the role of Opie, Griffith’s son.
You can do it if you want to, but you don’t have to. Do you recall how we used to say that? “Well, once you get started, there’s no stopping it,” Howard recalled saying, thinking back to a discussion he’d had with his parents years earlier. “You would have to continue doing this show, but you are not required to do other parts on other shows if you so choose.”
In addition, Howard says, “I think it was pretty clear at that point that I was enjoying it, and I was good at it,” indicating that he understood the message his parents were trying to convey.
He was actually really good at it, and he was on the verge of becoming extremely famous.
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This woman only ate one piece of bread a day for 5 years – but look at her now
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