The appearance of a white film on glassware, often caused by the buildup of limescale and detergent residue, can be frustrating. Here’s a method to remove this white film from glass glasses using simple household items like salt and lemon, as well as some alternative methods:
Method 1: Salt and Lemon
- Take a glass with a white film on the inside surface.
- Cut a lemon in half.
- Rub the cut surface of the lemon on the inside of the glass. Apply some pressure, but be gentle to avoid breaking the glass,Lemon is effective at softening and breaking down limescale.
- Immediately sprinkle a small amount of salt onto the lemon-covered surface of the glass.
- Use the lemon and salt to scrub the inside of the glass vigorously but carefully. The salt will further assist in removing limescale.
- Rinse the glass thoroughly with water.
- Wash the glass with dish soap and water to remove any remaining residue.
Method 2: Baking Soda
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