At the top of the list are carbonated drinks. Canned carbonated soft drinks should not be stored in the freezer if you want to prolong the life of the refrigerator.
When placing carbonated drink cans in the freezer, the temperature of the water in the can will decrease very quickly while the mass of the water increases. When the mass of water increases beyond the “capacity” of the can, the shape of the can will slowly change, along with the release of CO2 gas, the can will be under extremely high pressure and can explode at any time.
If you want to ice it, you should only marinate it for about 5 minutes so that the water is cold but not frozen, or leave it in the refrigerator.
2. Alcoholic beverages

When you close the lid tightly and leave alcoholic beverages in the freezer, this will create pressure that causes an explosion. When storing flammable substances inside, if the refrigerator starts or during use, there is an accident, creating a spark, these flammable substances will catch fire very quickly and cause a large explosion in the refrigerator.
Therefore, users should absolutely not store alcoholic beverages or flammable substances (such as gasoline, oil, etc.) in the freezer, but should choose to store them at room temperature, in dry, well-ventilated places.
With wine, if you want to drink it cold, you should drink it with ice cubes. If you want to chill beer, you should chill it in an ice box or ice bucket, not in the freezer.
3. Dry ice

Dry ice is one of the things that should never be put in the freezer because, like carbonated drinks, dry ice is basically solid CO2. That’s why when placed in a freezer with a temperature lower than -18oC, CO2 will expand an estimated 600 to 800 times compared to the solid form.
Once the mass of dry ice increases too high in a closed space such as the freezer compartment of a refrigerator, it will cause your refrigerator to explode at any time and can damage the equipment and utensils placed around the refrigerator, while also endangering the whole family.
Therefore, you need to be careful in storing dry ice, do not store it in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator but can choose to store it in insulated cooling devices. In addition, absolutely do not touch dry ice with bare hands because it can burn you, so use tongs or rubber gloves when holding ice.