“The moderators were completely one-sided,” Musk tweeted after the debate. “It was like watching a rigged game, and David Muir was the referee who had money on the other team.”
For Musk, the debate represented everything that’s wrong with modern journalism: biased reporting, partisan moderation, and a complete disregard for balanced coverage. And while his critique of Muir may have started as a post-debate rant, it has quickly snowballed into a full-blown campaign to take control of one of the biggest news networks in America.
If there’s one thing Musk is known for, it’s his ability to disrupt industries. Whether it’s electric cars, space travel, or social media, Musk has a knack for taking established systems and turning them on their heads. Now, it seems, his attention has shifted to the media industry, where he believes his unique brand of innovation is sorely needed.
“ABC is stuck in the past,” Musk reportedly told friends. “The way they cover news, the way they moderate debates—it’s all outdated. People don’t trust the media anymore, and for good reason. It’s time to change that.”
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