The Indian Secret 🌿 to Grow Hair at Rocket Speed and Treat Baldness from the First Week: Green Pepper (Page 4 ) | August 23, 2024
Bring the Stirred Ingredients to a simmer:
Combine one or two cups of water with the green pepper paste in a saucepan. Reduce the heat and simmer, covered, for 10 to 15 minutes after the mixture comes to a boil. The pepper’s beneficial components may be more easily extracted in this way.
Drain and Rehydrate:
Take the pot from the stove and set aside to cool when the mixture has simmered. Once the liquid has cooled, filter it into a fresh container by removing any particles using a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth.
Optional: Drizzle with olive oil:
A spoonful of olive oil may be used for nourished hair or dry hair. You may use this to keep your scalp and hair hydrated.
Practical Use:
Apply the green pepper tonic by massaging it into your scalp, paying special attention to thinning spots or regions where you’d want to see more hair growth. Make careful to cover your whole scalp.
Its nourishing benefits may also be experienced by applying it to your hair’s length.
Turn it off: