WD-40 Hacks! (Page 2 ) | March 21, 2024
  1. Loosen Door Handles & Locks: If you have a door or lock that is sticking or not running smoothly, WD-40 can help. Apply a little WD-40, wipe up the excess, and wiggle the lock and handle to loosen it up.
  2. Stop a Squeaky Door: Spray WD-40 on the hinges of a squeaky door, wipe up the excess, and open and close the door a few times to eliminate the squeak.
  3. Wipe Away Greasy Fingerprints: Use WD-40 to remove greasy fingerprints from doors or other surfaces by spraying it on and wiping away the grease.
  4. Loosen Tough Scissors and Tools: If scissors or tools have sticky residue making them hard to open or close, spray WD-40 on them, wipe up the excess, and wiggle them to free them up.
  5. Moisturize and Weatherproof Shoes: WD-40 can clean, moisturize, and make shoes weather resistant. Spray a little on a cloth and wipe it on your shoes.
  6. Keep Bugs Out: Spray WD-40 around the base of your house outside to repel bugs from coming inside.
  7. Loosen Hoses: If you have trouble removing a sprayer from a hose, spray WD-40 into the threads, wait a couple of minutes, and then twist it off.
  8. Remove Bugs from Glass: Spray WD-40 on bug-splattered glass, and then use a cloth to rub the bugs right off.
  9. Keep Soap Scum Off Shower Doors: After cleaning your shower, spray WD-40 on the glass to create a barrier that prevents soap scum from forming.
  10. Clean Stainless Steel: Spray WD-40 on stainless steel and use a microfiber cloth to wipe it clean.
  11. Prevent Clay and Mud from Sticking to Shovels: Spray WD-40 on a shovel to clean it and prevent dirt from clumping on it while working.
  12. Remove Sticky Label Residue, Glue, Tape: Spray WD-40 on sticky residue, glue, or tape, and use a scraper to scrub it off bottles or surfaces.
  13. Remove Glue: Spray WD-40 on hot glue or other sticky substances, let it sit for a minute, and then wipe the residue away with a cloth.
  14. Remove Crayon: Spray WD-40 on crayon marks on doors, tables, and more, and use a microfiber cloth to wipe it off.

These WD-40 hacks demonstrate its effectiveness in various household tasks, from lubricating to cleaning and removing sticky substances. Always use WD-40 in well-ventilated areas and follow safety precautions listed on the product label.


Next: Don’t throw away cardboard rolls anymore, what you get from them is valuable if you do this

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