For Winston, he was already homeless and hungry when he got himself into a situation that could have meant the end of the road.
Thankfully a guardian angel turned up to rescue him.
Photographer Wesley White was visiting the beautiful country of Belize, in Central America, on a work trip.
Surrounded by white sands and blue skies there was so much beauty to capture on camera.
Visited a remote island
The keen traveler decided to kayak from his hotel to the tiny remote island with no idea what he was about to discover.
He looked for a good spot to do some fishing, thinking he was all alone.
But instead he found an emaciated puppy lying on an unoccupied fishing shack.
He was in such a bad way Wesley knew he was close to death,
“Out of the corner of my eye, I saw his tail wagging,” Wesley told The Dodo.
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Southern Style Collard Greens Recipe
A grandmother’s trick to bring the shine back to dirty tiles
Woke Up and DONE
Make 1 tablespoon of this and any flower you have in your garden will instantly come to life
The genius tip for whitening laundry naturally