Use A Few Ingredients, They Will Help You Say Goodbye To Big Pores (Page 3 ) | August 21, 2024
1-Lemon, Rose Water, and Cucumber
To get rid of pores on your skin, you need this potent combo. Peel the cucumber first, reserving the flesh. Combine one teaspoon of rose water with three or four drops of lemon juice. Use a gentle cloth to apply the mixture to your face. Wait about fifteen minutes. It ought to be totally dried before you can cleanse your complicated face. Your skin’s texture will improve, and your pores will shrink.
2. Almonds with Lemon Juice
Before bed, soak a handful of almonds. First thing in the morning, crush the almonds into a paste. Mix together one teaspoon of lemon juice with the dough. After applying the paste to your face, wait twenty to twenty-five minutes before removing it. The pores will shrink after a good face wash.
3. White Eggs with Lemon Juice
Combine two egg whites and a little amount of lemon juice in a cup. It is recommended that you get a thick paste and then apply it to your face. After 15 or 20 minutes, the paste should start to work. When you’re done, wash your face. You may use this mask to shrink your pores, exfoliate dead skin, and eliminate excess oil.
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