“On November 8, 2021, Riley passed away, barely three months after being discharged from the hospital nearly three years prior to her birth.”
“My clients were told that Ryleigh would get better as soon as she got sick, instead of being told that she had rhabdomyolysis and the parents being given advice on how to safely handle this.”
“We feel that Ryleigh’s death could have been avoided, and we have been directed to file a claim for medical malpractice.”
Ryleigh’s parents, Andy Hillcoat and Caroline Bee, expressed their sadness over their daughter’s passing. I had to work very hard to get her death thoroughly investigated. The trip has been difficult and lengthy.
Even though there is compelling evidence that Ryleigh’s rhabdomyolysis flare-up in August 2021 could have been appropriately controlled, we are devastated by the coroner’s verdict.
“We think Ryleigh ought to be here right now, but she was not given a chance to live.”
“First, I want to send my deepest condolences to Ryleigh’s family and everyone who was touched by her life, both personally and on behalf of everyone at the Trust,” said Chris Barben, president of Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.