In a joint statement, Muir and Davis expressed disappointment in ABC’s decision but vowed to continue their commitment to the truth. “We stood by our principles,” they said. “If that makes us a disgrace to our profession, then so be it.”
Rumors are already swirling that the duo might team up for a new podcast called “Fact-Check This,” where they’ll be free to call out political lies without fear of retribution from network brass. And who knows? With the way things are going, maybe they’ll be the next big thing on YouTube, fact-checking debates live while the actual moderators sit back and sip tea.
ABC’s decision to fire Muir and Davis may have been shocking, but it’s also emblematic of a broader trend in today’s media landscape: the death of accountability. In a world where “alternative facts” have become a staple of political discourse, the role of debate moderators has shifted from fact-finders to silent observers, tasked only with ensuring that both candidates have ample time to mislead the public equally.
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