Various yellow spots may form on the pillows . Think, for example, of contact with the face and hair, sweat, dirt, the deposit of grains of dust, contact with hands and clothes, make-up residues. Even pets and children can cause the formation of yellow stains on white or light and pale colored cushions.
Stain-Free Cushions: Are Chemical Stain Removers Really Effective?
As soon as we see yellow stains on the cushions we immediately resort to using chemical stain removers that we find for sale on the shelves of supermarkets and specialized shops. But are they really the most effective and economical solution? Stain removers are full of chemicals that can damage the textile fibers of cushions.
Furthermore, the use of stain removers does not ensure that yellow stains on pillows can be completely eliminated. We must then add the fact that purchasing stain removers involves incurring considerable costs. Furthermore, the chemical substances contained in stain removers can cause allergies, dermatitis, respiratory and eye disorders, as well as disrespect for the surrounding environment.
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