The players who took the now-infamous knee were immediately escorted off the field by security in scenes more fitting for a high-stakes heist movie than the opening ceremony of America’s favorite sport. Among those disqualified were some big names: defensive end Marcus “The Wall” Johnson, wide receiver Devin Thompson, and offensive lineman Ricky “Brick House” Davis, to name a few. Each was reportedly told to hand in their helmets, pack up their lockers, and, in a final insult, delete their social media accounts for good measure.
It turns out that taking a knee is no longer just an act of political protest—it’s now a disqualifying offense, akin to taking performance-enhancing drugs or being caught deflating footballs.
“We warned them,” Goodell said, shaking his head with the disappointment of a parent whose kid just threw a fastball through the living room window. “We’ve given them enough chances. But these players didn’t listen. They chose the path of wokeness, and now they’ll have plenty of time to reflect on their actions—from the comfort of their living rooms.”
The players, for their part, have remained silent in the face of this sudden disqualification. Or rather, they would have said something—if they hadn’t been forced to delete all their social media accounts, effectively rendering them mute in the digital world.
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