3 tricks to whiten laundry and remove any type of stain
It doesn’t matter how often you do laundry: if you have white clothes you know how difficult it is to make them maintain their original color and “brightness”. After just a few uses and a few washes, white laundry fades, not to mention the annoying yellowish stains under the armpits.
To whiten laundry, we often use conventional methods such as bleach, which however is also toxic and ends up being inhaled during washing and coming into contact with the skin through clothes when we wear them.
Below we suggest how to whiten laundry naturally and treat any type of stain on white clothes. These are simple natural methods that will allow us to save some money and protect our health.
Lemon and salt. To eliminate sweat stains that form especially under the armpits and on the collar, try applying the following method with lemon and salt.
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