Chuck Norris: The Man, the Myth, the Legend
Remember the early 2000s when Chuck Norris jokes about his incredible strength were everywhere? While those memes have faded, rumors of his death surface yearly. This mix of humor and hoaxes leaves us wondering about Chuck Norris’s current life. Once a top action star, he’s now mostly out of the public eye. We investigated to find out what he’s doing and if he has any plans for the future.
Say Goodbye to White Patina
Cheesy Sour Cream Chicken Casserole
Exposing Canapum’s (Physalis) Magnificence
Low-Carb Bacon Cheeseburger Casserole
I was surprised when the plumber lit a match and flushed it down the toilet. But the method was effective.
Hearty Beef Lombardi Recipe
What a tragedy! The whole country is mourning the passing.
Baked Bacon Stuffed Cheese Bombs
Devastating Flash Flood Claims the Life of a Heroic Mom