1.Cover bowls or dishes in the microwave:
Use coffee filters as microwave covers to prevent splattering. They’re perfect for covering food while heating.
2.Clean windows, mirrors, and chrome:
Coffee filters are lint-free, so they leave windows and mirrors sparkling without any residue or streaks.
3.Protect China:
When storing fine china, place a coffee filter between each plate to prevent scratches.
4.Filter broken cork from wine:
If the cork breaks while opening a wine bottle, use a coffee filter to strain out any cork bits from the wine.
5.Protect a cast-iron skillet:
Place a coffee filter in your cast-iron skillet to absorb moisture and help prevent rust.
6.Apply shoe polish:
Ball up a coffee filter and use it to apply shoe polish—its lint-free surface works wonders.
7.Recycle frying oil:
After frying, strain the oil through a coffee filter to remove food particles and reuse the oil.
8.Weigh chopped foods:
Place chopped ingredients in a coffee filter on a kitchen scale to easily weigh them.
9.Hold tacos:
Use coffee filters as quick, convenient wrappers for tacos or other messy foods.
10.Stop soil from leaking out of plant pots:
Line a plant pot with a coffee filter to prevent soil from spilling through the drainage holes.
11.Prevent a Popsicle from dripping:
Poke a couple of holes in a coffee filter and place it under a Popsicle to catch any drips.
12.DIY eyebrow waxing strips:
Use strips of coffee filters as an inexpensive alternative to wax strips for eyebrow shaping.
13.Soak up grease from fried foods:
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