Want to cook something different? This easy recipe from Foodit will teach you how to make potato bread. Follow our step-by-step instructions and you can enjoy the delicious taste of freshly baked bread.
Bread is something that many people eat every day, but have you ever tried making your own? If not, you should give it a shot! Making bread at home is a fun and satisfying thing to do. Potato bread is a type of bread that you might want to try making. Potato bread is soft and airy, and it tastes a little bit sweet. In this article, we’ll show you a simple way to make potato bread at home.
To make mashed potatoes, boil potatoes until they’re soft, then mash them with a fork or potato masher.
Make sure the water you use to dissolve the yeast is not too hot, as this can kill the yeast and prevent the dough from rising.
You can add some herbs, such as rosemary or thyme, to the dough to give it some extra flavor.
Continue reading tips, ingredients & directions on the next page
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