Beekeeping has always been a blend of art and science, but a recent idea I stumbled upon on a beekeeping channel took this to a new level. This method, both ingenious in its simplicity and effectiveness, involves using Mason jars for direct honey collection.
The Concept:
Traditionally, beekeepers use frames in beehives where bees store honey. However, this method introduced a different approach. Instead of the usual telescoping outer cover on hives, a piece of painted plywood with holes fitting Mason jars is used. This setup allows bees to build comb and store honey directly into the jars.
Modification and Improvement:
Inspired by this, I decided to modify and experiment with the concept. I sought a more durable and practical solution and consulted with my woodworking supplier, Pineapple Springs Woodware. We agreed that a thicker plywood, such as a half-inch piece instead of a thin laminate, would be more suitable for supporting the weight of multiple Mason jars filled with honey.
Construction Steps:
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