As people age, one of the most common types of pain is a pain in the joints, legs, and back, as well as in the muscles. Though it can be milder, in some individuals, it can be much stronger and may even cause discomfort and inability to function throughout the day. In most cases, people take over-the-counter painkillers to treat the pain. According to Power of Positivity, statistics show that 50 million individuals take acetaminophen on a weekly basis!
The pockets of the pharmaceutical industries are being filled, while people continue struggling with this problem. This is often a result of the fact that these meds suppress the symptoms only-they do not address the underlying cause. What’s more, a lot of these meds contain all kinds of chemicals and come with serious side effects, so, it is good to put them aside and focus on more natural remedies, right?!
Stomach-Soothing Vegetable Soup
I had no idea
Summertime Delight: Big Boy’s Strawberry Sensation Pie
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