An ingredient that never has to be thrown away again. It’s gold for house and garden plants: growth is guaranteed for years.
There are ingredients that can be used as natural fertilizers. Some of these are simply the husks that are thrown away wet. In a world where waste is commonplace and the environment is asking for help, why not use these ingredients as fertilizer for plants? Especially the dish eaten in summer and always present on Italian tables becomes an excellent ally.
Natural ingredient that is worth its weight in gold for plants: This is how you make fertilizer
Fertilizers for plants are in most cases made from waste components of fruits and vegetables. In addition, other ingredients such as coffee grounds can also be used without throwing them in the trash.
The ingredients for this excellent natural fertilizer are:
- melon peel;
- Waterfall.
Melon peel is an excellent natural element rich in water, vitamins and natural mineral salts. All factors that contribute to plants in the garden and in the house becoming more beautiful and stronger.
First you eat the pulp and then, instead of throwing away the peel, cut it into many small pieces. Put it in a container and then pour in some water. Cover with a plate and leave to macerate for a day.
Immediately afterwards, the resulting foam is filtered to obtain an excellent and nutrient-rich natural fertilizer for the plants. This can be poured directly onto the soil once a week: it nourishes, moisturizes, protects and also offers a little help against parasite infestation.
Properties of melon peel:
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