Next: Making the Dough
Put the flour, baking powder, and powdered sugar in a large mixing basin. Before adding the shredded cold butter, thoroughly mix them. When the mixture resembles coarse crumbs, add the butter.
The third step is to kneed and chill.
Stir in the egg yolks and knead until the dough is smooth. Split the dough in three equal halves and refrigerate one of them to chill.
Getting the Pan Ready, Step 4
Put the remaining dough equally onto a 20cm baking pan lined with parchment paper. Put it aside and go to work making the rich filling.
Making the Cake Filling Step 5: Beat the Filling
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Put THIS in the oven before bed and it will be completely CLEAN in the morning! The world’s fastest hack for a shiny, grease-free oven!
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