1. Use long sticks or chopsticks to lure ants
If there are many ants in the sugar jar, take a few chopsticks and stick them deep into the bottom of the jar to get the ants out. Wait until the ants are all over the chopsticks, then lift the chopsticks out and shake off all the ants. Do this until there are no more ants in the jar. Alternatively, you can lean the chopsticks against something so the ants can crawl out on their own.
2. Use a stainless steel spoon
Another way to get ants out of the sugar jar that you can apply is to use a stainless steel spoon. Use a stainless steel spoon to stick it deep into the bottom of the sugar jar, making sure the spoon touches the bottom of the jar. Leave it for a few minutes for the ants to crawl up the spoon.
When the spoon is covered with ants, gently lift it out of the jar and turn the spoon upside down on a paper towel or dish towel. Repeat until there are no more ants in the jar. Use a paper towel or dish towel to gently tap the spoon to remove the ants on the spoon. Wipe the sugar jar clean and close the lid tightly.
3. Pour sugar on paper to chase ants away
With this method, you pour sugar on a clean piece of paper or newspaper. Then you put it in a dry, airy place for the ants to crawl out. Wait until the ants have crawled out, then pour the sugar back into the jar.
4. Take the sugar jar out into the strong sunlight
Ants are very afraid of strong sunlight. Therefore, when the ants crawl into the sugar jar, open the lid and bring it out into the sun for about 10 minutes. Surely this way of chasing ants out of the sugar will surprise you when you come back to check.
How to prevent ants from returning to the sugar jar :
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